Sell. Rank. Win.

The Importance Of Branded Keywords

Episode Summary

In this “quick tip” episode and video Tommy shares insights on how to track and optimize your branded keywords so your product ranks on page one.

Episode Transcription

Tommy Beringer:

What's up, you data hungry Amazon sellers? This is your host, Tommy Beringer, of the Sell Rank Win Podcast from MerchantWords. And in this podcast, we give you the answers to your most burning questions, actionable insights that you can take away and implement into your business today. So let's go ahead and dive right into today's episode. What do you say? Let's go. 

What's up, everybody? In this podcast, I'm going to show you how to check your branded keyword impact on Amazon and see how it's working overtime. Stick around. We're going to dive in right now. 

All right, so here we are. So, first off, what are branded keywords? So branded keywords are basically just keywords that the Amazon buyer is actually typing into the search bar with your brand name in the keyword. And the reason you want more and more of these is because the cost per click on these are going to be very, very low and the organic reach is going to be immense in the buyer intent.

If they're looking for your brand and they're looking for your brand attached to that product, they're more than likely you're going to go ahead and buy that product from your brand and your ACoS (average cost of sale)  is going to be a lot lower. Your organic rank is going to go up. You're just going to dominate these branded keywords on page one on Amazon. So that's why you want more and more of these. 

So there's a few ways that Amazon buyers are searching for branded keywords. So one is maybe you're driving outside traffic from Google or Facebook, Instagram, whatever it is. So you have some outside traffic marketing efforts sending them to your Amazon page or whatever funnel you're running them through. And then when they look for the keyword, that's going to show up on Amazon and then, of course, we've got that data for you. We see all of the keywords that are coming in.

And also, even if you're not running any outside traffic, maybe you're just selling a ton of products and people are starting to look for your product by brand name, and you can see how they're looking for your product by brand name. Maybe it's not even a keyword you were trying to rank for, and it just popped up and that's just the way that they were searching for it, which is super cool. 

So, for example, I'm here in pacifiers right now. Always my favorite example. So I know Wubbanub is a brand of pacifier, MAM is a brand of pacifier, and I'm not using a humongous brand here just to show you guys an example. I'm not using Coca-Cola or anything like that. Wubbanub and MAM, they're pretty big in their space but these keywords are probably being searched by a buyer who maybe just knows the brand name. Or they're driving some outside traffic, it could be both. It could be a combination of both. 

So what I did here is I'm inside of our Keyword Collections tool, right here, the Co tab. And what I did here is I just went into classic first, our Classic tool, and I typed in pacifier and I got back all of these keywords, and then I just simply added them into a collection. So if you go into classic, you'll see all of these plus signs and then that will allow you to go ahead and add those keywords into a collection. 

And now I am here. And now what you can see also is what keywords are the buyers searching for within that space that is connected to your brand? And then also you're going to see now a new refresh search volume button, which allows you to refresh the search volume inside of collections, and this is going to show you how the keyword is performing over time. 

So, for example, if I was the Wubbanub brand, I'm looking here, I see webinar Wubbanub pacifier, 135,000 searches a month. This is really, really good. And then I want to see, what's the change of it? How is it performing over time, month to month?

So I just refresh the search volume, which I already have done. And it went up. This specific keyword, Wubbanub pacifier, went up 20%. So it went from 112,000 searches a month to approximately 135,000 searches per month. So I know that my outside traffic efforts are working. Whatever I'm doing to get people to search my brand on Amazon is absolutely working, because I can also see that in these other keywords down here. Wubbanub infant pacifier, that has gone up 58%. that's pretty good. Wubbanub pacifiers, 35% and so on. And also, there's another brand here I have in here, MAM, which they're doing a really good job as well. As you can see, up 123% from 58,000 searches a month to 130,000 searches a month. And this is over approximately a month's time. So you're checking month to month here every time you refresh the search volume.

So, this is very valuable because now you can see, you can check, if you're a bigger brand or if you're a smaller brand on Amazon, you could see how is your marketing efforts working that you're driving from outside traffic or even within Amazon? So you can see, are people searching by your brand?

 For myself, I have a very small brand on Amazon. I'm not doing any outside traffic because I don't need to. I'm in a smaller space and people are searching for my products by my brand name, which is really cool to see. I didn't even put any ads out on Google or Facebook, but people just are knowing my brand and they're searching my keyword with my branded name, which is really cool to see because more and more people are going to be attracted to that brand, searching for that brand, and the conversion rate is going to be super high when someone is searching for your brand and that product.

So if I'm searching for a Wubbanub pacifier, I'm more than likely going to buy a Wubbanub pacifier over a MAM pacifier because my buyer intent here is to buy a pacifier from Wubbanub. That's what I'm looking for on Amazon so the conversion rate on that product detail page is going to be pretty high. Well, it's going to show up on page one from Amazon, but then when they click into the Wubbanub pacifier product that they see, they are more than likely going to buy that product. So I just wanted to give you a quick, value-packed podcast today, keeping it short and sweet. And yeah, if you guys have any questions, just reach out to us. And as always, guys, stay awesome and be awesome. All right, thanks so much.

All right, thank you guys so much for listening. And if you got any value out of this podcast at all, please let us know at the place that you listened to it at, whether it be iTunes, Stitcher, whatever it is. Give us some love, give us an awesome review, and let us know maybe some things you want us to talk about on the next podcast. Until next time, guys, stay awesome and be awesome.