Sell. Rank. Win.

How to Grow an Amazon Brand from $0 to $800K per Month

Episode Summary

Learn how Daniel Tejada and the team at Straight Up Growth grew one Amazon brand from launch to six-figure sales per month! Daniel shares a ton of useful tips and insights you don't want to miss. Tune in now!

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

Tommy Beringer: What's up you data-hungry Amazon sellers? This is your host Tommy Beringer of the Sell. Rank. Win. Podcast for MerchantWords. And in this podcast, we give you the answers to your most burning questions, actionable insights that you can take away and implement into your business today. So let's go ahead and dive right into today's episode. What do you say? Let's go.

What's going on everybody? Welcome to the Sell. Rank. Win. Podcast for MerchantWords. I'm your host Tommy Beringer. And my next guess is a straight up Amazon PPC wizard. You would know what I'm talking about if you follow his case study post on LinkedIn. He just grew a brand on Amazon from $0 per month to roughly now over $800,000 per month from just two products.

And this was all done within one year. Amazing. Without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce you to my good friend Daniel Tejada of Straight Up Growth. Daniel, how are you my brother?

Daniel Tejada: Doing well. How are you doing today, Tommy?

Tommy Beringer: I'm fantastic. Man, I'm fantastic. I'm glad that you are on with us today. How's everything in your neck of the woods out there in San Diego?

Daniel Tejada: I can't complain. Weather's been pretty awesome. It's conference season here. So finally doing some in-person conferences, which feels new, which is funny. So it'll be fun to do that again.

Tommy Beringer: Very cool. I mean, we had you on the third episode of the Sell. Rank. Win. Podcast, and now you are on number 40. And yeah, that was way back at the end of 2020. So I had some other people contacting me to get on the podcast and I was doing my due diligence on them. I just wasn't really feeling them.

So I was like, "You know what, let me hit up Daniel and see if he can get back on the podcast." And you were like, "Let's do it." So, so happy you're on. Just want to appreciate your time, man. Thank you.

Daniel Tejada: Pumped to be here today.

Tommy Beringer: Absolutely. So for those that have not listened to episode three or do not know who you are and who Straight Up Growth is, if you can just tell us a bit about you and your company.

Daniel Tejada: Yeah. Awesome. So I've been doing Amazon and pretty much hyperfocus on advertising since about 2016. Came from a company called Quiver. It's kind of where I got my feet wet. I was able to spend $7 million, yeah, in a year when our CPCs were like 10, 20 cents a click. So that was a huge budget back then, which was fun. Nowadays, I've spent over $50 million on Amazon ads.

I've done a little bit over half a billion dollars worth of sales on the channel through my management. Now we've got an agency called Straight Up Growth. Last year we managed about 35 million in spend. We did a little over 350 million in sales on the platform. And we're very, very growth-focused, so excited to be on the podcast here today.

Tommy Beringer: Awesome. Yeah. I see your goal there is what, 700 million, right? I think. At the moment.

Daniel Tejada: For this year, so-

Tommy Beringer: For this year.

Daniel Tejada: ... come on down, baby.

Tommy Beringer: Come on down. Let's do it, right? Well, that's awesome. I mean, from knowing you over the past years and then from also always following you on LinkedIn, I know you are a true Amazon growth wizard. That is no doubt. So my first question is what type of ad strategies do you recommend for someone who is just getting started? What campaigns should they start with? What do you recommend there?

Daniel Tejada: Yeah. Great question. So I think even before you're thinking about your campaigns, one of the things you have to nail down is your strategy against your goals, right, against your budget. One of the big mistakes I think brands make is when they, especially when they're first starting off, they're not well informed or they haven't really quite figured out what it's actually going to take them too much there. Right?

So not everyone has a massive budget, right? Not everyone can operate on a super aggressive strategy from a PPC perspective, for example. If that's the case, right, you want to try and focus your research. Because every campaign is going to start the same way. Right? We are essentially making our guesstimate, we're going to do some keyword research on search terms that we think have a chance to convert. Right.

But we're also typically taking terms like that. So let's say I was launching a protein bar, right? You're going to do your keyword research using something like merchant words, give you some great search terms. A lot of good, what I call seed keywords. Seed keywords are essentially the term that you're putting in, let's say, as a broad match type.

So protein bar would be a seed keyword and it's going to return a bunch of different variations that, of protein bar. Right? Some are going to be winners, some are going to be losers there. So all campaigns start at kind of that same level there. However, depending on your goals as a business, if I'm trying to grow profitably. Right. And let's say I'm in a little bit of a more competitive category.

One of the things I'm going to do is cheat towards longer tail search terms right off the bat. Right? So I know if I've got $2,000 a month to spend and I'm in the protein bar category, I'm not going to go after protein bar. Right? Because at that point, CPCs are probably going to be way too high compared to the budget that I have.

And so I need to find other places to do my customer acquisition. So it might be using a keyword research tool, expanding on a keyword like protein bar. Maybe the first 100 search terms there don't make sense because they're going to be too competitive. But maybe I'm going to go after kind of that middle ground, right. Everything that's got search volume about 10,000 searches a month or something like that, or below or something like that.

And so there are ways that I would kind of cheat with exact matches towards those within campaigns. But I'd say really the most important thing someone needs to do is understand what they actually have from a budgeting perspective. What are their goals? Do they want grow quickly or do they want grow profitably, right? That should all impact how you actually start your efforts themselves. I'm going to pause there. Does that kind of make sense to you?

Tommy Beringer: Yeah. No, absolutely. So a follow up question there is how far out do you spider out off of the seed keyword? Meaning, how many long tails would you go after-

Daniel Tejada: Great question.

Tommy Beringer: ... into one campaign? 20 long tails, 25 long tails. What is it?

Daniel Tejada: Great question. So what I like to do is actually just do some math, right? So one of the tricky things, if your net new and you've got no CBC, kind of no starting cost per click bids and you don't really know where to put yourself to start. I know that I like to start at assuming search terms costs four or $5 a click, right? If I'm in a more competitive category.

If it's less competitive, it could be cheaper. But with Amazon massive ad inflation last year, you have to assume that more expensive terms cost about that much when you're starting because you have no relevancy. So essentially, if I have a $2,000 budget, I like to hit 30 to 50 clicks on a search term to have statistical significance on how that term's going to perform for us. So basically, I would take $1,000.

Let's just assume we're doing a $5 CPC, right? I can literally just run the math, see how many clicks I can hit per month. And then that gives me a rough idea of how many search terms I should start with. Right? So 20 to 25, for example, is not a bad number there. One of the pieces we're going to do when we set up a campaign in the first place is we're going to set up our structure with what we call our research match types.

We set up an auto, a broad match, against some of those seed keywords that we mentioned. And then we'll also start with what we call performance campaign. Really just hyperfocusing on exact match. Typically, what I'm doing is any converting search terms from research campaigns, as soon as I hit a conversion, they'll automatically migrate over into an exact match type. Right?

That's really where I want to focus my spend over time is exact match. The other thing we'll do on our end is cheat on certain search terms that we think might make sense. So we'll probably add some exact matches on maybe 10 to 20 terms, as well as adding them as a broad match type there.

The broad match is going to give me different variations of that search term to see if there's, at a more granular level, there's certain search terms that perform better than others. I think the exact match type, the reason we're cheating with that right off the bat is to try to force Amazon to give us impressions.

One of the hardest things to do when you first launch on Amazon is get ad impressions themselves because of how impactful your relevancy to a search term is against getting an actual ad impression. Now, what is relevancy to a search term? It's really how your product at a child ASIN level performs against a specific search term there. So what that means essentially is like-

Tommy Beringer: So looking at, well, a metric like CTR?

Daniel Tejada: To an extent. Yeah. So it's basically, like Amazon is literally looking at how many clicks does a product have against a search term? How many sales does a product have against a search term? What's that product's conversion rate against that search term? So when you start net new, right, one of the things you'll find is its very hard to spend your first month.

The reason for that is that Amazon doesn't have any clicks or sales history or your product against most of the search terms that you're going after there. Over time, as Amazon sees clicks on your product against the term, sales against your product against the term, your conversion rate's decent, they'll actually give you a higher relevancy score and it starts to make it easier to spend against that search term itself there.

But for net new products, it's a disadvantage. If you're already existing and you already have some relevancy, that's where relevancy becomes your advantage, right? It's a moat. You're going to spend less from a cost per click basis as someone who ranks well against the search term already compared to someone that's net new.

And I think that's a thing that most people don't think about from a PPC perspective, like net new, you are always paying the highest cost per click bids. And you're getting the worst ad impressions. And it's not because Amazon's trying to throttle you against the search term. It's that another product has more relevancy than you do. And they want to favor getting ad placements to those other products, right?

Tommy Beringer: And their sales history is better as well.

Daniel Tejada: Exactly. Exactly.

Tommy Beringer: Yeah.

Daniel Tejada: But I mean, what we're talking about today is how even being net new, we can still turn ourselves into that market leader. Right. But build our own relevancy using PPC, essentially.

Tommy Beringer: Yeah. No, fantastic. And you alluded to building a moat. That is very important. And yeah, guys, just keep listening back to this podcast. So many value bonds were just dropped right there if you didn't know. And then you mentioned earlier, you want to see, looking at a keyword, you wanted to get to roughly 30, 35 kicks, clicks, excuse me.

And now how do you know when a keyword is not performing well after the 30 to 35 clicks? Are you looking at, if there's no sales, are you going to pause it right away, dramatically lower the bid? What is the strategy at that point?

Daniel Tejada: Great question. So when I'm at 30 click, 30 to 35 gets me like decent amount. 50 clicks gets me statistical significance, right? If I have 50 clicks, the number of orders I'm going to have against that search term, it's pretty likely that if I went to 100 clicks, the conversion rates would stay the same.

Tommy Beringer: If you didn't get a sale after 10 to 15 clicks, would you pause it?

Daniel Tejada: Not usually. Not usually. So sometimes what I'll do is I'll start to slow it down. Right. So I might not pause the search term. I might start to decrease the bids. But part of that depends on how many converting search terms I already have. So one thing I like to pull, like even when I do an audit for someone who, let's say is already spending.

One of the first things I pull is what is the number of non-branded converting search terms already within the campaign. Right? So if you're net new here, one of the biggest things you're trying to do is just expand upon the number of search terms that you do convert on. Right? So you have more targets to essentially go after.

But when you're net new, let's say you've got five or 10 converting search terms. You want to test out your search terms a little bit more fully, just so that you can identify more potential converting non-branded search terms. Right? Those are basically going to be your targets, but the biggest thing you need to do when you first start is try to get as many targets as possible, right?

The more variance that you have within your search terms, the more likely it is that you can succeed if, let's say, one of your search terms gets super competitive all of a sudden. This happened with one of our brands recently. CPCs went from $5 a click to $18 a click within 30 days. Right?

Tommy Beringer: Jeez. Ooh.

Daniel Tejada: So that really hurt us against that search term. However, one of the things that did kind of help save us and kind of push the account back in the right direction here is that we did have some other search terms that were converting within the campaigns. We weren't concentrating as much ads spend towards them, but with the spike in the CPC against our highest volume term, we pivoted. Right.

And we're actually now going after a term, it's much higher volume. My CPC is at a $4 instead of $18 there. And so now-

Tommy Beringer: Very smart.

Daniel Tejada: ... I can try more ad spend towards that in other search terms. Right. That's why it's important to be diversified and not just be concentrated on one or two terms there. Now, once I hit, let's say I'm hitting, I have a couple terms that are converting really well. And now I'm hitting 35 clicks on terms and I'm seeing one or two orders, right? So my conversion rates are too low. Those ones, I'm not going to full blown pause.

But what I'm going to be doing is one, making sure they're moving to the exact match type, so I can directly control how much spend I allocate there. But then I'm going to start bidding them down. Right. When you bid down, you're going to get less ad impressions. You're going to get less clicks. But overall, you should be able to see much higher conversions against that, what's it called? Yeah. In general, CPC.

Tommy Beringer: Yup. And you also just spoke about something earlier is you want to have an array of keywords, a lot of keywords to go after. I mean, I fell victim to a product that I sold that only had one or two or three ways to describe the product for the buyer. The good old anglicized ruler. You remember that one?

Daniel Tejada: Oh, yeah. Tough. Dangerous.

Tommy Beringer: Yes. So I mean, it was so funny. I mean, I was killing it. I was number one, but then I just didn't really... There was no margin there because I was spending all this money on these few keywords, as you can imagine. And that was it. And I was like, that was a mistake that I learned. And I always preach that, you need as many roads as you can to lead back to your product. And the keywords are those roads.

The more keywords, the better, just like you were saying. Now, what are some of the metrics you look at to find out when it's time to double down on a campaign to kind of go full throttle there? I know that depends on a few variables, but in general-

Daniel Tejada: Yeah. Well, I'll give you a couple different things that we're looking at. So there's kind of two, there's a lot of strategies, but let's just break down. Our focus is for ads campaigns to kind of, like three purposes. One for us is ranking, right? We love to use our ads to actually help us with improving organic results there.

For those efforts, the KPIs that I'm looking at are, like really the main one is conversion rate there. Right. People kind of speak through the relationship of ads and organic ranking and there's absolutely a major impact there. But it's not just spending to spend, right? Amazon's not just looking at how much spend did you have against a search term and deciding you should rank there.

But they're actually looking at how many people are actually converting against, or what's your conversion rate against those search terms that you're spending ad dollars against. So if I'm going for ranking, I'm looking at conversion rate as a KPI and deciding to double down based on that. Plus what's the search volume. Plus what's my organic ranking.

Am I showing up in branded analytics, that will kind of tell me if I should be more aggressive on allocating more dollars to a ranking campaign purpose. Then second goal, let's say, would be return on ad spend focused, right? So if I have an ACoS target or a TACoS target or something like that.

Then I'm going to double down in campaigns based on ones that have ROAS targets or ACoS targets that are below or kind of above. Let's say they're above my ROAS target or below my ACoS target. Those campaigns, I'm going to double down by trying to spend more. So if I'm selling a protein bar, I've got vegan protein bar, it starts to convert really well for me. My ACoS target is 40%.

Let's say I'm at a 30% ACoS. That means I'm going to double down on that search term, right, by increasing my CPC, make myself eligible for more ad impressions, more clicks, hopefully more sales there. So I'd say that's bucket number two. For doubling down is literally just looking at, is this above or below my ACoS target. If it's below, I'm going to increase my bids, start to spend more, start to double down against that.

And the third goal I'd say would be more cross-promotion focused. So one thing that we are seeing, especially massively last year is big inflation in our cost per click bids themselves, right? As a result of that it just makes acquiring a customer on Amazon more expensive. And so we've tried to implement some cross-promotion strategies to try to squeeze more dollars out of kind of existing customer.

So branded, there are sometimes to double down on some of those efforts or cross-promotion there. Those are obviously usually ROAS focused segments because it is branded. So it should be higher converting in general. You already are spending aggressively to acquire that customer. The cross-promotion or the branded spend should not be something that you're losing money on.

It should be a way of squeezing more dollars out of your existing customers there. So yeah, I think those are three buckets that are pretty simple at high-level. I know that they're more complicated than that, but generally that's kind of the idea.

Tommy Beringer: True Amazon growth wizard. There that's the knowledge that we love to have on the podcast cast. Now, my next question, you may have alluded to some of them earlier in the episode. But what were some of the main secret tactics that you used to grow that brand from $0 per month to now over $800,000 per month within just a year? What did you see what was some of the main driving factors for that?

Daniel Tejada: Great question. Great question. So definitely a competitive market that we're going into here, both products are in the Keto space or Keto health space. Definitely not, like one of my products I was going after a seller that had 35,000 reviews there. It was actually the top priced item in its category.

But because it had so many reviews, conversion rates are crazy. They've got so many repeat orders. That item is not just a, yeah, that item was essentially the best seller in the category. My number two competitor there had about 15,000 reviews. And then I started with zero, right? So super-duper fun there.

So looking at that category as a whole, right, one of the things that we looked at right off the bat, and this is where I say that market research is important, is the competitiveness. So going into this product category, we knew that there was going to be sometimes where our company was in the red, right, there. No way we're going to be able to launch net new, zero reviews-

Tommy Beringer: In the Keto space.

Daniel Tejada: ... in the Keto space. And my branded volume is pretty low, right. So not necessarily the easiest situation. But what really worked for this one, for a high-growth model, is that they had the dollars to support running in the red for a little bit. We built a 12-month forecast out for them so that they understood, okay, look, you're not making any money until this date.

However, after this date, this is when your product starts to actually make dollars because of the gains in organic revenue. We really focus on organic driven revenue using ads, right? And this is kind of a best case scenario launch strategy, I'll say. So what do we do? We launched our product and we did something we call a low launch price strategy where we will actually start with our product below MSRP there.

Typically, the reason you're doing that is so that people will convert against your listing, even though you don't have the reviews to support. Right? When I'm going after a category where my number one competitor is 30,000, four and a half star reviews and it has the best seller badge. It's very, very difficult to launch this without any outside traffic or branded volume to a [inaudible]. This brand didn't have that.

So we were forced to execute essentially a low launch price. So with that in mind, that allowed me to get the conversion rate I needed to start getting aggressive from a PPC perspective. Really what we focused on was, we identified what all the high volume non-branded search terms our competitors ranked against. And then we started to try to focus against those terms. So created our campaigns.

One of the things you'll see when you first start a net new item, it's very difficult to spend between $1,000 and $2,000 your first month even against that product. The reason for that is that because you don't have any relevancy to search terms. Amazon makes it very hard for you to get ad impressions, right? So we had to be aggressive with our CPCs.

I'll say our first three months, all of a sudden we're seeing sub growth. Really, what we're seeing now that's huge was increases in reviews, right? So like when we launched November, 2020, I had zero reviews. But by the time we hit January, for example, right, I'm at 449 reviews there. Now, is that 30,000? No. But I'm almost at 500 reviews within my per 60 days.

Tommy Beringer: That's great. That is fantastic.

Daniel Tejada: Yeah. Exactly. Right. And it's like, we didn't do any of the, like against Ts and Cs from a review gen perspective, nothing like that. All we did was start to maximize our non-branded visibility using the CPC itself. Right

Tommy Beringer: Man, so 60 days you guys got 400 and what, 50 reviews you say. That's crazy. That's awesome.

Daniel Tejada: Yeah. Not bad. Not bad. So that was-

Tommy Beringer: Not bad at all.

Daniel Tejada: That was helpful. That's crazy [crosstalk].

Tommy Beringer: Did you use the review program, the Vine? Did you guys use Vine at all?

Daniel Tejada: We used Vine there. I used like, we had lik a small, small email list. Probably got me 50 reviews from there. Just sending my product out to some of my previous buyers for the company for dotcom. So I think that helped kind of seed it. But honestly, what we find is non-branded customers on Amazon leave reviews at a much higher rate than our branded customers do.

I don't know what it is, but for whatever reason it's like when we can start to rank, we start to see massive increases. On our non-branded terms, we see our review rate increase pretty significantly. Just wait until you hear our final number of reviews.

Tommy Beringer: Do you have a hypothesis as to why that is?

Daniel Tejada: I think the branding customers already feel like they're bought into the brand, so they're kind of past the point that they want to leave a review. But non-branding customers, they're trying it for the first time. Right? A lot of what I described we do is we help people find what they're looking for, right. Someone searching for ketone beta or urine strip or something like that.

They know what goal they want to accomplish, but they don't have a brand that they want to use to get them there. Right? And so that's where we could definitely come and kick in on identifying what those terms are. And for whatever reason, they just leave reviews at a much, much higher rate. Now, what I will say that I forgot to mention here is building a listing that's conducive to being a brand and not just a commodity is also really key.

So we really concentrate on listing optimization early on, just to make sure that when you are spending dollars, the people that are buying are understanding that they're buying not just a one time purchase review, but they're buying into a brand. Right. That's definitely a major component that tends to help with gaining better reviews than brands who are selling a listing that looks much more like a commodity there.

Tommy Beringer: Awesome. I mean, that is a very specific strategy for, like you said, net new brands and it definitely worked for you guys. I mean, $0 per month to now over 800,000, when were you guys profitable?

Daniel Tejada: It took us, for this one, month six was the first month. And one of the items is way lower margins than the other. So I was actually way more profitable than the other item early on. But the item that's a low AOV that I was going after, the big kahuna 30,000 reviews, that one took me probably about six months there.

What you'll find is, like for that item, I think about month five is when I started to slowly walk up my price. Right? So we launched with that low launch price strategy. I basically increased my price over the next two months by about 20, almost 25%. So I did that over a couple weeks here, but what happened along the way is I started to solidify my rankings. Right? So it showed up in branded analytics one week, then two weeks out of the month, then three weeks.

And then all of a sudden I'm showing up for the monthly view, right, on some of the search terms that I needed. Now I have had some, I would say, at about maybe the eighth, ninth month, that's when the two top sellers in the category woke up. Right. I was taking market share, but not enough for them to feel it until probably month eight.

And then they tried to get super aggressive back. Right now at that point, I was already building so much relevancy that I basically squeezed the CPCs aggressively. So while our BCS were going down pretty much our whole time, month eight, we saw big inflation and cost per click bids. That's because my competition made a run at me.

And so I just wanting to make sure that all the past work worked out, I got aggressive with my PPC for month eight and nine. And then the other sellers just started to give up there. All of a sudden, I see my CPCs go down like crazy. My amount of ad spend as a percentage for the brand went from, or the really competitive product, went from 60% spend to revenue.

And then the last two months, for example, which are our two best months we've had, my spend to rev has been less than 20% here. The big reason for that is I've got so much organic visibility. Right. One of my items, like I did $100,000 in organic sales last month there. The other item I did about 75,000 in organic revenue this month here. Actually, I did more than that.

But a big piece of that just comes down to once you win, it's a lot easier to play defense than offense. Right? So like one of my items now has 13,000 reviews. The other one has 5,000 reviews. Right. Now, I compete, I'm actually the highest price point item in my category for both of those products now even though we started with that low launch price strategy.

And I'm still seeing growth month over month because now I have the reviews I need. I've got the organic visibility need there. It was a mean launch there. And that one is one that was, the client wanted to be more aggressive. But now I can basically cost the rest of the year here. I'll have people come and take little strides and attacks, but I get just like little short-term spikes in ranking strategies that I'll need to do.

Tommy Beringer: I like what you said there, it's easier to play defense than offense. So I mean, what is one of the main things you do defensively when you first, your ears are perked up and they're trying to drain your moat?

Daniel Tejada: Great question here. So the first thing, I like to watch my branded analytics terms on a weekly basis, right, there. On a monthly view, it's much more accurate and you do get a much better sense of what's going on for your business. However, one of the things that I'll say is that when you're looking at the weekly view, you can start to see, okay, I was a market leader on term A.

I was capturing 35% of conversion share. All of a sudden, why did I drop down to 20% this week? Who's moving into my space? Then maybe I'll do some manual searches. Take a look at what the PPC landscape looks like. Take a look at my organic rankings. And I can start to see, okay, this brand is getting really aggressive from a PPC front.

What does that mean? One of two things. One, I'm no longer getting ad impressions because my bids aren't high enough. So I may not be getting ad impressions because my bids aren't high enough. My competitors coming in there. So then what I'll do is I'll increase my bids, make it harder for them to spend.

The secondary thing that I would do would be, like maybe I'm getting impressions, but the amount impressions per day I'm getting or clicks per day isn't enough to maintain my rankings. This other person's getting more aggressive. That means it's not a bid increase, but it's a budget increase against those search terms.

So defense is really just making it... You want to make it hard for other people to get there, right? And especially like category, like we just described, I made it really... It was really expensive and really hard for me to get the market share that I got. But with that in mind, I know that the market leaders have been posting most of the time. Right? So as soon as I take them off-

Tommy Beringer: They're getting complacent.

Daniel Tejada: ... there, they get complacent. And then they try to get aggressive, but at this point they've never spent that much on those CPCs they're going after. They've never, what's it called? They've never had to spend as much of a percentage of spend, yeah, spend to total revenue as they do to beat me. Right?

So that's why I always say it's much easier to play offense. Now, brands that are market leaders, they shouldn't lose. Right. If they are losing, it's because they're sleeping or they're not being aggressive enough from a PPC perspective.

Tommy Beringer: Yeah. I mean, yeah, like I was saying, they're trying to drain your moat and they're getting complacent. And then complacency, I think, in any aspect in life, business, your regular personal daily life, if you're complacent, I mean, in one word, it kind of kills you. Right? I mean, you're staying steady not doing anything new, nothing new and exciting.

Or if you're just sitting there thinking you're making a lot of money on Amazon, and forgetting about that there's these competitors coming in with the Amazon growth wizard Daniel Tejada, then you're going to see the downfall there. But yeah, no. Great strategies, Daniel. You thank you so much for sharing all these fantastic tactics with us.

So as you know, we like to keep these podcasts short, sweet and informative. And before we go, if you can give our listeners at least one tip or trick that they can take away after listening to this podcast. I mean, immediately implement it into their lives or into their business. What do you got for us?

Daniel Tejada: Great question. One of the simplest things, in my opinion, sellers can do is work on their advertising efficiency. So that would be essentially what I call wasted ad spend or non-converting spend within your campaigns. 90% of your wasted spend, typically, and I do these audits all the time is from your research match types. It's your auto, your broad, your phrase match.

The simplest thing you could do to make your advertising more efficiently today is literally, make sure you're harvesting, converting search terms, you're actually moving them into exact match or ASIN targeting campaign. Because that's going to be the most granular you are with optimizations, right? We go in, we all have these accounts. A lot of times they have 30 to 60% wasted or non-converting spend, I'd say on average.

Typically, 90% of that wasted spend is in the research campaigns. When I break out my exact match slide, typically that's like 10% wasted or non-converting. The reason for that is you're choosing each individual search term or ASIN at that level. And so it's going to allow you to be the most granular with some of your optimizations there.

So yeah, I would definitely say, make sure you go into your campaigns, you harvest, you move terms out of research, you negate them in your research campaigns. And really let exact match and ASIN targeting spend. That will get your wasted ad spend down very quickly. And it means you can do more with the dollars that you have.

Tommy Beringer: Absolutely. Fantastic advice. Now, Daniel, where can people find you? How can they contact you? And feel free to drop your social handles as well.

Daniel Tejada: Yeah. No problem. So you can reach us at or as you mentioned, LinkedIn is kind of my favorite platform there. I post some case studies, some info and some personal stuff. So you can find me at Daniel Tejada at LinkedIn as well.

Tommy Beringer: Awesome. Thanks for that info, Daniel. And I just got to say, sorry to Jeff Bezos. We were not able to get you on this podcast this time, maybe on the next episode. So hang tight, buddy. We will get you on soon. Well, Daniel, thank you again so much. I know you are an insanely busy guy, so thank you again for hopping on the podcast with us here and spending your time and dropping some knowledge bombs there.

Daniel Tejada: Absolutely. Love chatting in Amazon [inaudible]. You can hit me up. You can hit me anytime for some chats.

Tommy Beringer: Absolutely. Daniel, thank you so much.

Daniel Tejada: Absolutely.

Tommy Beringer: All right. Bye.

Daniel Tejada: Bye-bye.

Tommy Beringer: All right. Thank you guys so much for listening. And if you got any value out of this podcast at all, please let us know at the place that you listened to it at, whether it be iTune, Stitcher or whatever it is. Give us some love. Give us an awesome review and let us know maybe some things you want us to talk about on the next podcast. Until next time guys, stay awesome and be awesome.